
I always tell random answers
since truth is not always yes or no.
The world makes me happy.
So please play with me until the day when my life ends.

I wanna live calmly and confidently.
I wanna keep my promise.
In fact, it's so easy to love someone.

How far I was carried away?
I'm filled with heartrending sorrow.
I'm afraid that I'll forget even my precious memories.

I wanna meet you who is reliable.
I wanna stay beside you after a hundred years.
Even if our distance is so long, we have a spell 'joy' for keeping in touch.

Remember me soon when you see swaying oak trees.

You always tell random answers
since destiny is not inevitable but accidental.

I don't understand forever.
I wanna break our promise.
Sometimes it's so hard to love someone.

I wanna meet you who is reliable.
I wanna stay beside you after a hundred years.
Even if our distance is so long, we have a spell 'joy' for keeping in touch.

I wanna flutter all my life.
I wanna be excited all my life.

